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Okaliedoughkalie. . . . .
here are some links that are of great interest to me. some music links and a whole lot of very important otherwise. . . .

Sade Official website of Sade.
SWANS Sink your ears into this non-corn
Will Oldham related crap Palace, Palace Brothers, Palace Music, Will Oldham, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, & most recently. . .
Tom Waits Here comes the parade

Other Arts & Sciences & Whatnots
Orgone Information Dr. DeMao's orgone research website
The essence of aquaponics a new interest/survival technique. . . .plants and fish growing in the same everlasting water. well, almost. future plan is to install a great system at the house for reasons of self-sufficiency and money generating.
Entheogenic Infomation read all about it
BUCKMINSTER FULLER INSTITUTE Read all about this great fellow who has recently been a great inspiration to me. And while you're at it, do yourself and everyone a big favor and read his book, 'CRITICAL PATH
Drug Policy Read about the silly War on Drugs
PATH TO FREEDOM ok, this has tons of useful information. I specifically like their news service which saves me the trouble of perusing the papers for the bad news.
CREATING LIVABLE ALTERNATIVES TO WAGE SLAVERY all my life, i have desired nothing but the peace, quiet, and most of all time, to do what i feel is important to me as opposed to feeling obligated to work due to the threat of poverty and starvation if i stop 'working'. and as it turns out, i am not alone. this is a very serious site; an offshoot of britians famous 'leisure party'.
ZNET The spirit of resistance lives. Radical Politics. Lots of essays and news stories about the various theatres of US imperialism. Lots of great thinkers on this site; Chomsky & Zinn for example are everywhere. get informed.. . .have an opinion with a backbone, folks
Sea Energy Agriculture Read a bit about Dr. Maynard Murray and his work. This is pretty far out. I am applying his theories towars my own hydroponic, or mejor dich, seaponic crops. currently i have thriving beans, tomato, and melons. again all towards self-sufficency


up the irons